Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Overreach: Blood of Patriots

What would you do if the unthinkable happened? The President of the United States, fearing impeachment, uses his executive powers to establish total control over the country – no matter what the cost. But a startling public confession by a prominent U.S. Senator results in a breakdown of the Presidents Machiavellian scheme. Having witnessed this abuse of power first hand, retired Special Forces Colonel, Ty Denham, is compelled to act, hoping that if he reveals the truth, it will inspire his countrymen to stand up for their freedom, liberty, and the principals on which the United States of America was founded. Overreach is a gripping tale of courage, sacrifice, and patriotism. Buy on Amazon
Overreach: Blood of Patriots
Overreach: Blood of Patriots
Overreach is a Political Thriller based in the near future and tells the story of a power hungry president, an insidious government agency that spies on its citizens, blackmail, murder, and ultimately a 2nd Revolutionary War. Join the American writer JD Ludwig Facebook Fun Page