Monday, May 25, 2015

Tuesdays Designer Handbags

How do you feel about Tuesdays?  They don’t bother me too much. It’s one day after the Monday blues and you have the rest of the week ahead of you to accomplish a lot.  By the time Friday rolls around, Tuesday is but a speck in the past.  For me it seems as if Tuesdays are full of work, but not in a stressful way. Plus it’s a day you can use for organizing and plotting how you will get the rest of your work finished throughout the week.  In my book, Tuesdays are fine and dandy. They don’t stress me out.
designer handbags
Designer Handbags
Since today is Tuesday, I suppose I’m dedicating this article to it. This morning when I opened my closet, I feel as if I didn’t have anything to wear.  I mean a bunch of clothes, more than any human possibly needs, were staring back at me, but nothing seemed appealing.  You ladies know what I’m talking about when we can’t find anything to wear.  It’s not that we have no clothing, it’s simply that we don’t necessarily love what we own at that very moment. Usually I plan my weeks wardrobe on Sunday’s, but this past weekend I didn’t have time.  I was super busy and by the time Sunday evening rolled around, I was knee deep in trash TV.  No one comes between me and my trash TV. Mondays outfit was easy to choose, but Tuesdays seemed impossible.  I wasn’t in the mood for bright colors, nor did I necessarily want dark and dowdy.  It was raining and that made matters even worse. I new at least I was safe with duck boots, but everything else was shot in the dark.  Finally, I decided on a striped blouse with a tuxedo fringe and a wool blazer.  The blazer is cut well and fits perfectly. It’s my favorite blazer and I’m not sure what I will do when I wear it out.  Probably have a massive breakdown. I know the day will appear because I wear it several times a month and I’ve owned it for over 5 years. 

After what seemed like the longest time, I was finally ready to face the day.  My outfit seemed to click and look fashionable while still be comfortable for trudging through the rain.  I used my new polka dot umbrella. Just looking at that umbrella makes me happy.  It reminds me of being a kid again with the punchy pops of color.  But what I love the most about this Tuesday is my handbag.  It’s one of my favorite handbags I own.  Just like my trusty blazer, I use this handbag all of the time, yet I never tire of it.  It’s simply one of the best designer handbags on the market.This handbag has been all over the globe and never once let me down. It’s truly remarkable how well it’s made.  You don’t find craftsmanship like this anymore. As I walked into work, I felt proud to be carrying my satchel bag.  It’s from one of the most luxurious houses that crafts amazing designer handbags and I’m smitten with all of their collections. Tuesday turned out to be a good fashion day after all.

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